суббота, 5 декабря 2015 г.

STM32L1xx template project

I've finally got around to buy myself a couple of STM32L152R8T6 micros to play around with.
I've never done much with STM32s before. I've used STM32F103 in my master's thesis once, but that's about it.
STM32's are actually pretty nice once you get used to them. The major annoyance with them (coming from avr-gcc 'world'), is that project setup is really messy (with FOSS tools, atleast). So I made a fresh template for them. You can find it on my GitHub. Have fun :)

суббота, 28 ноября 2015 г.

OSD Shenanigans, Part 1 - Back to the VHS

So, my dad and I are building a quadcopter with FPV.
minimOSD freaking out over nothing.

Using MAX7456 seems to be the most common way of doing OSD these days. So I've ordered ourselves a minimOSD board from some chinese seller on eBay. The board arrived, and it worked fine.
For the most part.


So, I've finally got myself a blog. Here goes nothing :)

I'll probably use it to share whatever I'd like about my IT/electronic stuff that I do.
I'm not sure what language I'll use to post here, but it's probably going to be English.
English, however, is not my strongest (nor native) language, so you can talk to me in Russian if you like.
